Monday, October 23, 2006

Know When to Fold 'Em

Want to spend 30 minutes doing something that afterwards will make you remember that life is short and you really need to start living every moment like it's your last?

Watch E!'s "House of Carters." It is guaranteed to make you ashamed of yourself. After I watched an episode this weekend, I was convinced that the University of Connecticut was going to bust down my door and repossess the diploma they gave me lo those many years ago, which is a long winded way of saying that THIS SHOW MAKES YOU STUPIDER AS YOU WATCH.

The fact that Nick and Aaron Carter could buy and sell me like pork bellies is beyond depressing. The only thing keeping me from Carter-induced suicide is this skit from the good people over at SNL. Some people in the entertainment industry are still actually talented and entertaining and deserving of their fame, fortune and designer drugs.

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