Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Deeper Than the Head(line)

Recently, Beyond Madison Avenue asked people to weigh in on two current HIV awareness campaigns. One features the headline "HIV is a Gay Disease." The body copy elaborates on this and performs a neat little thought-provoking rhetorical twist. The other campaign shows headless people getting it on along with the tagline "It's easy to lose your head when you're horney." The headless spots are stylish and disturbing; they are German. Adrants has recently joined the discussion.

Do the Gay Disease spots perpetrate a fallacy that activists and Magic Johnson have been fighting for over 20 years? The body copy is smart, poignant and well written, but who will get that far? According to several Websites, including Copyblogger, only 2 out of 10 people read body copy while 8 out of 10 people read headlines. The Gay Disease ads are smart and risky. For those 2 people who read the entire page, the risk will pay off, but are those acceptable odds for such a hot-button issue? Also, will teenage boys shamelessly masturbate to the creepy headless/horney spots?

Only you can decide.

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