Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Talking Rabbits Make Me Want to Eat Candy-Coated Chewy Fruit Candy

I'm not such a fan of weird for weirdness' sake in advertising. Most of the time the weirdness serves little or no function and only comes across as a desperate attempt to be, ugh, edgy.

The Burger King ads featuring The King are a perfect example. They are creepy and seem like they were generated in response to a concepting meeting that started like this: "All right team, we've decided to differentiate ourselves from McDonald's by becoming -- are you ready for this? -- THE hip, random, ironic burger place. Genius, right? Okay. You have two hours to come up with something good or you're fired."

However, the new ads from Skittles are an exception. My favorite example is the "Singing Rabbit" ad. I don't know why this ad makes me giggle when other, similar ads only make me want to change the channel and my career, but it does.

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