Friday, June 15, 2007

In which Our Faithful Heroine is Disturbed by a PSA

I almost couldn't write about these ads for the One Milwaukee campaign. The images of pregnant teenage boys (for a PSA about teen pregnancy) are so disturbing that I had a hard time (well, harder than usual) articulating my reaction.

When I started writing this post, my first thought was: "Do I want to subject my loyal reader to these freakish visions? Why don't I just post clips from Caligula or Brazil and be done with it?"

Besides the obvious, something bothers me about these ads that I just can't put my finger on. It's not quite that they feel a little like a creepy CK ad. And it's not quite that they almost imply pregnancy itself is repulsive. Maybe it's a combination of those things?

Reader, you want to help me out?

Advertising Age via Copyranter

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